Our Story


Coffee Events in London, and even around the UK, can be abundant and advertised scarecely across the internet. For those new to the coffee industry, finding a way in the huge labrinth of a community we love can be tricky, yet it can still be difficult at times for even a seasoned professional. Then when the day comes to a close, searching for ways to network and hone your skills presents itself to be yet another task, or even worse, was held the day before.

Our Founder, Andrew, began working in coffee in December 2017 in Loughborough, UK. After a short stint of around 6 months and a promotion to shift supervisor, he then left the highstreet chain that started it all to join a chain speciality coffee shops. Working his way up to Manager after a year, he then looked after precedings for nearly 2 years, through the pandemic, until moving to London in Spring 2021.

Humble beginings

Fastforward to Summer 2022 where Andrew was finally settling into the London Coffee Community, but still missing out on coffee events. After finding out about cuppings, competitions and producer-led talks on the day or the day after one too many times, the idea for a community event hub was born.

With the idea to atleast help a few people to find events they may not have seen otherwise, it was to be a small side project for the good of the community, with a few posts here and there. The thought that this very simple idea could become something known across London or even the UK was incredibly far fetched, considering the very humble beginings.

Not being a gifted creative, "The London Cupping Directive" without any logo or branding, joined instagram in June 2022. After some consultation on the idea from close friends and trusted professionals, the accounts then uploaded the first event post 2 months later on August 1st. The early birds in the community continued to see a total of 11 event posts in the first month, with very minimal imagery and information.

The community

With 50 to 100 followers on the horizon, the community had to come together to give the London Cupping Directive an identity. Branding. Andrew gingerly asked the small but emergeing community for some help, to design a logo that can be used for the account, something simple but effective, something just to upload as the photo for the account. To our surprise, a community member and now good friend took the time to deign us a logo in return for a bag of coffee. Boom, uploaded. This logo then took on the role to be placed on all event posts and to mark the Instagram account. A green background with simple white text, it was perfect.

3 Months and 13 posts later, a redesign took place. Keeping the colour scheme and featuring a motif in the background, the new and still existing branding was born. With strong reminents of the original, the current logo would not be what it is without the communities help.

Now passing 100 followers, finding events on instagram pages and event websites become increasingly difficult and began taking more time, organisation and skill then just a small side project. The London Cupping Directive had to dig deep into its roots, and call upon the industry to be a community, by the community. This then began the mental health saving initiative where community members would help by sending in events and tagging us in posts, which made the search for events a whole lot easier.



Coming soon

The big reveal

Coming soon


Coming soon


Coming soon

Let's go for it!

Coming soon